Thursday 11 January, 2007

Need for "Virtual Destructor"

If we have 2 classes, say

class CBase{

class CDerived : public CBase{

and if we do,

CBase* pBase = new CDerived;
delete pBase;

Since CBase does not have a virtual destructor, the delete pBase invokes the destructor of the class of the pointer (CBase::~CBase()), rather than the destructor of the most derived type (CDerived::~CDerived()). And as you can see, this is the wrong thing to do in the above scenario.

A class must have a virtual destructor if it meets both of the following criteria:

  • You do a delete pBase.
  • pBase actually points to a derived class object.

1 comment:

Prashanth Narayanaswamy said...

Its wrong if we think that we need to have "Virtual Destructors" only if we have atleast one virtual function in base class.

As said earlied if the following 2 conditions are true, we need to have a virtual destructor in Base

1. If we delete the base pointer pBase
2. And pBase is pointing to derived class instance.