Tuesday 12 June, 2007

Conceptual "Virtual Constructors"

In one of my old article I had said that we cannot make the constructors virtual.

But its possible to have Conceptual Conceptual "Virtual Constructors". You might be wondering what do I mean by conceptual here?

Consider following code snippet,

class CAccountIface


class CSavingsAccount : public CAccountIface


class CCreditAccount : public CAccountIface



And I have one more class which will have a list of accounts

class CBank
        CAccountIface* CreateAccount(int iAccType);
        std::vector<CAccountIface *> m_Accounts;

 Here the member function CAccountIface* CBank:: CreateAccount(int iAccType) acts like a virtual constructor. Depending on the type the user passes either the constructor for CSavingsAccount or CCreditAccount will be called and respective object will be instantiated. This behaves like a virtual constructor.

We can even establish virtualism in case of copy constructors.

Let's try writing a copy c'tor for CBank class.

CBank::CBank(const CBank &AnotherBank)

    for(std::vector<CAccountIface *>::size_type i = 0; i < AnotherBank.m_Accounts.size(); ++i )
        this->m_Accounts[i] = AnotherBank.m_Accounts[i]->Clone();

I guess u'll already be wondering about the implementation for clone() member function.

Clone() has to be a pure virtual function in CAccountIface, and we can override this in CSavingsAccount and CCreditAccount to clone itself.

So the updated code will be as shown below,

class CAccountIface
        virtual CAccountIface *Clone() = 0;

class CSavingsAccount : public CAccountIface
        virtual CSavingsAccount *Clone(){ return new CSavingsAccount(*this);}


class CCreditAccount : public CAccountIface
        virtual CCreditAccount *Clone(){ return new CCreditAccount(*this);}


When we say


The Clone() function will be called based on the type of object pointed by the pointer m_Accounts[i].

This concept is also referred to as "Factory Pattern"

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