Sunday 24 June, 2007


Lets talk about Dynamic Casting today!

dynamic_cast is one of the four C++ casting operators (static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast and const_cast), extensively used in case of polymorphic types.

Unlike C type casting which does a static type check, this will do a type check at run time. If the casting is invalid, it either throws bad_cast exception or returns a NULL pointer.

This has to be used for safe run-time down casting.

What is Down casting?

Casting a superclass pointer (or reference) into a pointer (or reference) to a subclass in a class hierarchy is said to be down casting.

Typical example looks like this,

CDerived *pD = dynamic_cast<CDerived *>pB;

When to use?

Consider the scenario below,

Where the CControlIface is an abstract base class with a pure virtual function Draw(). There are two concrete classes implementing the CControlIface interface, CButtonControl and CTextControl which overrides the Draw()'s implementation. Also, they have their own methods


The problem is how will we identify the type of object pointed at run-time, if we just have the base class pointer or reference?

The solution is dynamic_casting

Let's look into some code.

CControlIface *pControl1 = new CButtonControl();
CControlIface *pControl2 = new CTextControl();


// No idea what pControl1 points to, at compile time


void ProcessButtonEvent(CControlIface *pControl)
    // Here we need make sure safe down-cast happens
    CButtonControl *pButton = dynamic_cast <CButtonControl *> pControl;

    // casting works fine here since we had passed pControl1


    if(pButton != NULL)
        // We can now safely call OnClick() of CButtonControl

What would have happened if we had passed pControl2 while calling ProcessButtonEvent()?

dynamic_cast would have failed since pControl2 is not pointing to CButtonControl's instance. This check is performed by dynamic_cast operator at run-time using RTTI (Run-time Type Information).

Dynamic casting allows us to perform safe type conversions and lets our programs take appropriate actions when such casts fail.




Mahesh said...

Nice article but Down casting definition not clear enough :) more details please.

Anonymous said...

hi prashanth,
i remember having a discussion with u regarding references being used in dynamic cast.
can you give a example and what exception it throws.

Prashanth Narayanaswamy said...


when we use references with dynamic_cast and if it fails it throws bad_cast exception.

refer to this article for more info dynamic_casting with pointers and references

Chanduthedev p said...

explanation was good and clear thanks.